Tag Archives: Everglades

Judges, not pols, are keeping Everglades restoration plan moving

In point of fact, politicians (surprise!) are the ones holding back and delaying real on-the-ground action to restore the big wetland we know as the Everglades. Carl Hiaasen, in his new column for The Miami Herald, explores the role of judges. Read it.

Pythons in Everglades: An invasive species horror story

Everywhere one looks these days there are at least a half-dozen invasive species at work – mostly plants. It’s a byproduct of the human push to conquer the land. Read about how one animal invasive is taking a toll in this article.

Debate on Everglades drilling revived by Bachmann

Ms. Congresswoman may be a rocket scientist in other areas of public debate, but she is lost in Outer Space when it comes to the Everglades (or any other national park unit). Maybe she’s on her way to Mars now, in hopes of determining that planet’s suitability for oil and gas exploration.

Obama administration to give Fla. $100 million to preserve open lands

This is the kind of public investment that would greatly benefit conservation efforts in many other states, including Pennsylvania, from which I recently moved. Public investment in public lands. Yes.

Large new natioinal wildlife refuge planned near Everglades

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar made the announcement at the Everglades Coalition’s meeting. Read the Miami Herald’s coverage right here.

New Fla. governor a no-show at Everglades meeting

Meester Scott continues a time-honored don’t-care tradition among Florida’s CEOs: Skip the meeting of the Everglades Coalition. Whatta guy. The Miami Herald offers this take on the governor’s decision.

Florida fights for rights of polluters

That’s the headline over this delicious new Carl Hiaasen column from today’s Miami Herald. Hell, the same could be written about a certain state in the mid-Atlantic region – the one I’m sitting in right now.

Everglades needs sugar deal done right

The author of “Tourist Season” is on target – again – with this Miami Herald op-ed on the Everglades ecocystem, Big Sugar, wetlands and more.

Deal to save Everglades may help sugar firm

Corporate Amurica to profit again from destroying terra firma. No surprise when you think about it. The proverbial bottom-line, not mere wetlands, comes first. NY Times offers this take.

Even after downsizing, Crist’s plan to save Everglades is under siege

Damn sad what has happened in south Florida. Developers waving campaign contributions in the faces of politicians still hold sway. Damn sad. A map I saw in a recene issue of “Conservation” magazine painted a dim future for even some swaths of protected Everglades land/wetland from our changing climate.