Tag Archives: phosphorus

Judges, not pols, are keeping Everglades restoration plan moving

In point of fact, politicians (surprise!) are the ones holding back and delaying real on-the-ground action to restore the big wetland we know as the Everglades. Carl Hiaasen, in his new column for The Miami Herald, explores the role of judges. Read it.

Lawmakers muddying the waters – for polluters

But, as columnist Carl Hiaasen so nicely notes in this column, big polluters aren’t polluting they’re creating jobs. It’s not pollution, it’s job creation.Right. Right.

Va. passes bill banning lawn fertilizer with phosphorus

This is a pretty good win for the Chesapeake Bay. But such a ban would never happen where I sit, in the bay’s northern watershed, because sprawl homeowners just don’t understand, apparently, that water flows downhill.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation speaks out on budget proposals

President Obama’s proposed budget fares better in the yes of the conservation group, and that’s a hardly a surprise, given the Republican-majority House’s outright stinginess with dollar bills (except when it comes to helping campaign contributors). Here’s the statement from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. What do the media in general think about the president’s proposed budget? Here’s a wrap up.

EPA’s cleanup plan for Chesapeake Bay is ‘monumental’

Here’s a newspaper’s coverage of the plan. Be sure and look over the sidebars. I still wish the plan called for major restoration and preservation efforts. Everyday, it seems, dozens of acres are lost to development in my little corner of th watershed alone.

N.Y. congressional delegation, EPA at odds over Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan

As usual, there’s a certain level of idiocy evident in the statements and actions of politicians when it comes to dealing with pollution. Read some of it here.