Category Archives: forests

Many forests feeling the heat from climate change

That’s the message of the U.S. Geological Survey report summarized in this USGS/NOAA release.

U.S. Forest Service draws line against invasive species

The agency is only a decade late in getting this far. At least that’s the gist I get from reading this tiny article from today’s Idaho Statesman, Boise. Hell, I was worrying about invasive species like garlic mustard two decades ago while gardening outside our home in northeastern Pennsylvania.

Bugs, fdiseases taking their toll in Washington State forests

I could find no reference in this article, though, to how the changing climate (warming trend) is affecting the situation. Too bad, because people really need to know the connection.

Climate scientists look to document later fall foliage display

First they looked at the changing arrival time of Spring. Now attention shifts to the fall foliage display – a signature time here in Vermont, headquarters of the leag-peeping empire. Given all the other mistakes humans have made – and continue making – there’s no reason to think what the results of this new study will be.

U.S. Forest Service begins new planning process

And the public – that’s you and me – is invited (urged!) to participate in the process and submit comments. This article nicely explains the endeavor and where to send comments. So get to it.

Corbett unveils his budget, but does not include gas-drilling severance tax

Big Natural Gas again gets off the hook, that’s the message sent to the public when new Gov. Tom Corbett unveiled his budge plan for the next fiscal year. Still no severance tax on natural gas drillers who’re punching holes on state forest land. This report from Philadelphia still does not say a thing about habitat destruction and fragmentation from natural gas drilling operations, and that ought to be the chief area of concern in all this.

N.Y.’s Cuomo unveils budget; holds line with Environmental Protection Fund

And that fund, in the budget, gets $34 million. That’s not bad, considering all the things that were cut or trimmed. Buying land to protect it as part of the Forest Preserve is the single best way to preserve wild lands withing the 6 million-acre Adirondack Park. Read all the details in Cuomo’s budget plan right here.

Forests the size of Russia ‘could be restored’

Well, then, let’s get to it. Read about forest restoration.

Only God can make a tree, but any idiot can plant one in the wrong place

Read this sorrowful tale by clicking on these words. Do it now.

Mapping ecosystems, the better to conserve them

Nice “green” feature from the NY Times on ecosystem mapping. The author is right. For conservationists, it’s hard to beat a good, strong, detailed map.