Tag Archives: water quality

Pa. coal-fired power plant faces millions in fines

The glitch for this Indiana County plant: Water pollution, and a lot of it. The Pittsburgh paper has the details.

Attacks on conservation bills would only benefit polluters

Welcome again to the Republican world of free-market pollution.

Is Lake Champlain on anyone’s list?

That’s the question the writer of this op-ed from the Free-Press of Burlington, Vermont, asks.

Today’s brilliant idea? Dump the tainted snow in the creek or river

That’s exactly the strategy described, in depth, in this wire service article picked up by the Virginian-Pilot, Norfolk, Va. Only thing is, snow that’s been dozed off a parking lot or street almost always will have a hydrocarbon soup in it — i.e., the gunk left behind by motorized Americans. So, not only are motorists contributing carbon dioxide to our collective atmosphere, they also are leaving behind water pollutants, and a lot of them. Read the article here.

Is Lake Champlain on anyone’s list?

It ought to be, the writer of this essay explains in fine fashion. Many other localities with natural treasures like Lake Champlain could learn a thing or two by following the Vermont activists’ agenda.

Chesapeake Bay improves, but health still poor

No surprise, for this ol bay watcher, in the report highlighted by this newspaper article. Given the sprawl that continues to eat up “raw land” within the bay’s watershed at the rate of 10 or more acres a day, there is no hope.

Report: Chesapeake Bay is ripe for breeding bacteria

More news of the estuary’s failing health. Not good.
