Category Archives: dam

Bckers of damming Idaho’s Bear River loose their case

Idaho especially does not need another river shackled by a dam. Especially the Bear  River in the state’s southeastern corner. That some irrigators have even been thinking of such a boondoggle is mind boggling, in the extreme.

Quote of the week

“Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell.” Edward Abbey

Dam gone, nature rebuilding Elwha beach in Wash.

Here’s yet another batch of proof showing the benefits to people and nature (fish and wildlife) of removing dams.

Congressman Doc Hastings, a dam lover, proves his love with legislation

Pro-hydropower, is one way to put it when describing the Republican congressman’s new legislation. What’s even more surprising to this land lubber is that even one dam site still exists in the West. Hastings = dam hugger.

Restoring real life to a now-wild river

Take down the dams. That’s the way to restore an American river. Columnist Timothy Egan has the story.

Has one Florida dam’s day finally come?

You bet it has. Read about how a certain dam that does not even have an alleged role in human affairs ought to be taken down and now.

Corps to remove 84-yer-old fish-blocking dam in Va.

This tidbit from Virginia shows that the dam-removal movement continues spreading. The baby in this article is 84 years old.

A damned dam on Maine’s Penobscot River

Tear that sucker down and restore a masterful free-flowing river. That’s the theme of comments contained within this article from Maine. There is nothing like a free-flowing river. I was disappointed to learn, not long after moving into my new home in Vermont, to find Green Mountain Power’s Essex hydroelectric dam is alive and well on the Winooski River just a half-mile north of where I’m sitting.


Retired Judge Redden: Take those dams down

Very pointed remarks from a federal judge who issued ruling after ruling in favor of the Pacific Northwest’s endangered salmon stocks. Listen, and watch, right here.

Colo. guv voices support for new Colorado River dams

Just to talk about more dams on the Colorado is sheer idiocy. And the media report on the governor’s feelings as if it is a serious claim. Ed Abbey would be pissed. And so should today’s conservation community.